Beans for Dreams: Ditch your cup for charity

Did you know that if four people donated the cost of a coffee each week, that money could support a child for a year? How simple is that!
Beans for Dreams, founded by Mark Carpenter, is on a mission to create positive change in the lives of vulnerable children. And this year, they’ve generously chosen to partner with Mirabel.
To take part in our 'Coffee a Week' campaign, we’re inviting individuals like you to donate the equivalent of just one coffee per week. You can either ‘buy’ an extra cup or, if you’re feeling especially charitable, skip one.
Donations will be taken monthly (to save on transaction costs) and we've rounded this amount up to $20 for the month – but any donation, big or small, will make a significant difference and will help us continue our important work.
Mark is also participating in the Surf Coast Century race in September – a 100KM ultra marathon. His impressive goal is to complete the 100KM run in one go and raise a huge $10,000 for Mirabel. You can also sponsor Mark and by doing so, help make a positive difference to the life of a Mirabel child.