
Mirabel is currently supporting over 1,900 children and young people, the most profoundly overlooked casualties of substance abuse in our society.

children supported
of children have experienced trauma
of carers are grandparents
of children are indigenous
new children referred each week

Mirabel’s effectiveness has been documented in numerous independent evaluations (by Melbourne University, Success Works and Turning Point). The evaluations found that Mirabel excelled in cross-sectoral case management, our intervention stopped the negative cycle of disadvantaged and that for some families, Mirabel’s intervention has been life-changing. Social Ventures Australia completed a Social Return on Investment (SROI) Analysis on Mirabel’s programs and found that for every $1 invested in Mirabel, $6.60 of social and economic value was created. It also found evidence that Mirabel’s programs contribute to healthier and happier kinship families, help children to reach their full potential and contribute to breaking the destructive cycle of addiction in just one generation.

Mirabel’s CEO, Jane Rowe, is the worthy recipient of the Prime Minister's Centenary Medal, a Human Rights Award, the 2012 Victorian Honour Roll of Women, the 2015 Victorian Local Hero Australian of the Year Award, the 2017 St Michael’s Medallion and the 2019 Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

Your contribution will help make a difference
Community, corporate and philanthropic support are central to Mirabel’s ability to support disadvantaged children and carers. For 26 years, we have been true to our vow to never turn away a child in need. You can help us keep that promise.
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