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The Mirabel Foundation works specifically to assist children being raised by grandparents and other family members due to parental illicit drug use. Mirabel supports kinship carers regardless of their legal or statutory status. If you are a kinship carer please contact us to find out how we can help.
When the children arrive - A resource book for Kinship Carers
When the children arrive was originally written in 2001 to assist carers address and recognise some of the problems and concerns that may arise from their new and sudden circumstances. Many of these issues remain as prevalent today and these, as well as current information, are in this updated edition of this book.
The Mirabel Foundation was established in 1998 to support carers and children with their unique and specific needs. Since that time we have encountered countless families from a range of heartbreaking circumstances, all with different stories and problems. It is the combination of grief and loss with the ramifications of a loved one’s drug abuse that make these kinship families both unique and complicated. However, there are also some commonalities with their issues and it is these shared experiences and questions we touch on in this book.
Max & Tyra - Mirabel Children's Book
'And that's when it all started. Or, should I say, that's when it all ended. At that moment it felt like our normal family fell apart…' Mirabel's beautiful children’s book tells the story of two children coming to terms with the loss of their mother due to illicit drug use and their experiences living with their Nan.
One of a Kind is a children's book about Darcy and Oliver discovering their way by Linda Espie and Gwyneth Jones. The book aims to explain parental mental illness and support children living in foster or kinship care to better understand their situation. You can view it on Alfred Health - One of a Kind
100 Families WA is a first-of-its-kind research project following engagement with 400 families living in disadvantage, offers key insights on what helps, what hinders and what could be done differently to meaningfully address this issue. Please click here to view digital resource on grandparent carers.
Ian Darling's short film 'Polly and Me' highlights the traumatic circumstances of many Mirabel children and covers some of the most crucial issues threatening those vulnerable and disadvantaged in our society.
For further information please contact Mirabel.
The Mirabel Foundation is committed to safeguarding children and young people in its care. As part of this commitment, we have policies and procedures for our organisation, which are approved and endorsed by our Board of Management. Please click here to read our policies and procedures.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
ADF offers information about alcohol and other drugs and the prevention of related harms.
Family Drug Support
Support & information - Phone 1300 368 186
Secretariat of National Aboriginal & Islander Child Care – Supporting Carers
Raising Children Network
Information & referrals for kinship carers
Create Foundation
Represents the voices of children and young people who have experienced out-of-home care
Centrelink Grandparent Advisers
Provides information about payments and support services for non-parent carers
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
Multilingual Centrelink resources available via the Health Translations website. Provides information on government payments and services for families and carers.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Provides support for people with disability, their families and carers in Australia
Melbourne University - Young kinship carers
Required for nationwide university research study
ACWA - Association of Children's Welfare Agencies
The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) is a non-government peak body representing the voice of community organisations working with vulnerable children, young people and their families.
Berry street - Childhood Institute
Berry Street Childhood Institute strives to enhance outcomes for children and young people who have experienced trauma and disadvantage. Berry Street Childhood Institute presents training and events designed to enhance the capacity of carers and practitioners working with vulnerable children. Click here to see upcoming training and development that is available.
Australian Childhood Foundation
The Australian Childhood Foundation advocate on behalf of children who have suffered abuse and neglect.
Children do not escape family violence unaffected. They are traumatised by the experience. It terrifies them. It destabilises the foundations of their development. It undermines the strengths of their relationships. It can overwhelm them.
The Australian Childhood Foundation have written a practice framework for understanding and responding to those affected by family violence. It demonstrates how similar principles can be implemented at the child, family and community level. You can download their Safe & Secure booklet here.
Self Help Addiction Resource Centre
Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) provides a specialist service to support family members and friends who are concerned about a loved one’s alcohol and other drug use. - Phone 1300 660 068
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
Provides programs and services to reinforce Aboriginal culture and encourage best parenting practices, and advise government in relation to child abuse and neglect in the Aboriginal community.
Kinship Carer Victoria
KCV is the peak body for kinship carers in Victoria and aims to have kinship carers supported in their role according to their needs and the needs of the children for whom they care. - Phone (03) 9372 2422
Click here to see KCV's Manual for Kinship Carers
Permanent Care & Adoptive Families
PCA Families is an early intervention service that provides support to families formed through kinship care, permanent care and adoption. - Phone (03) 9020 1833
DHHS Child Protection Crisis Line
Phone 13 12 78
Carer KaFÉ - Kinship and Foster Care Education
A new program designed to improve and expand kinship and foster carer training Victoria-wide.
Take a look at Carer KaFÉ's latest news and events here.
Click here for the latest Carer KaFÉ News.
This newsletter is a great resource that is produced quarterly by the Foster Care Association of Victoria to provide information and support to Victoria's kinship and foster carers.
Carer KaFÉ provides learning and development opportunities for carers throughout Victoria.
Click here to see the latest online training courses for kinship carers.
Drug Information @ your library
Provides up to date information about alcohol and drugs through local public libraries in New South Wales.
Absec - NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation
Peak body providing child protection and out-of-home care policy advice on issues affecting Aboriginal children, young people, families and carers.
Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)
Child Protection Helpline Ph: 132 111
Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)
Foster, Relative and Kinship Care
Legal Aid New South Wales
Grandchildren and Kinship Visitation & Care In Family Law
My Forever Family
Provides advice and support to foster, kinship and relative carers across New South Wales. Phone: 1300 782 975
NSW Government- Caring for Kids
A guide for foster, relative and kinship carers
Dept of Community Services
Resource for Carers
Marymead Grandparent Group
Support and education to grandparents that are primary carers
ACT Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Community Services
Children Youth & Families
Child Concern reports Phone 1300 556 729
Dept of Communities, Child Safety & Disabilities Carer information
Foster & Kinship Care Queensland
Phone 07 3256 6166
Queensland Aboriginal Torres Strait Island Child Protection Peak
07 3102 4119
Department of Child Safety, Communities & Disabilities
Phone 1800 177 135 or (07) 3235 9999
Dept for Child Protection
Phone (08) 8124 4185
Maintaining Aboriginal Cultural Identity
Government of SA - Rights of carers
Your rights as a relative, kinship or foster carer
Child Abuse Report Line
Phone 131 478
Dept of Health & Human Services
Phone 1300 135 513
Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Free Call 1800 132 260
Department of Communities Tasmania - Children, Youth & Families
Ph: 1300 737 639
GrandFamilies Guide
Information to help grandparents care for their grandchildren
Foster their Culture
Caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care
Parent & Families Drug Support Line
Metro (08) 9442 5050, Country 1800 653 203. Both numbers are 24hrs, 7 days a week
Drug Aware
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Lines
Dept of Communities
Crisis line phone (08) 9223 1111
Country free call phone 1800 199 008
Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Child Protection Intake Phone 1800 700 250
We are delighted to share the findings of our recent Social Return on Investment Analysis that was undertaken by Social Ventures Australia, generously funded by the Sidney Myer Fund. The evaluation measured the impact of Mirabel’s work over an 8-year period.
Download the Summary of Mirabel's Social Return on Investment Analysis.
Download the Full Report of Mirabel's Social Return on Investment Analysis.
This research paper examines many of the issues related to kinship care with reference to studies that have taken place internationally. Kinship care is explored in the context of child welfare and child protection as well as the grief experiences of both children and their kinship carers.
This paper provides an overview of the research available on the effects of parental illicit drug use on children, with particular regard to the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of children.
The development of kinship families due to the death or abandonment of parents involved in illicit drug use has created a marginalised group of families that seem to have been overlooked by government policy and program development within Australia and possibly throughout the world.
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